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Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mr. Bluebird ...

This is a horrible picture to match the 'horrible' wind we had today!  UGH!  And needless to say ... the only pic I snapped on my trip home from town.  There is nothing more refreshing than the site of a lil' bluebird fluttering from fence post to fence post.  However, such a handsome lad deserves a much better portrait, so I will definitely be doing a 'retake' with a bigger camera lens ... he was to far away from me (... me, who was hiding out of the wind in the car!)


  1. I've yet to see a blue bird in our area. Lucky, you! Isn't that how it is, I never seem to have the right lense on when I need it. I will have just changed it, and the next thing I know, I will spot something and need to change the lense back again!

    1. Love the bluebirds ... they are such a brilliant colour but yes, 'Murphy' always ensures I never have the right lens on my camera nor with me! Haha! Glad he helps others out as well! :)



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